District Heating Pnacevo – BigSolar

District Heating Pnacevo – BigSolar The pre-feasibility study for BigSolar Pancevo To cover all risks of Panĉevo district heating, the collaboration under the umbrella of the EBRD program ReDEWeB* between SOLID and the local utility led to a comprehensive evaluation for implementing a BigSolar system. The specific framework conditions and individual stakeholders’ needs were comprehensively […]
District Heating Feldbach – BigSolar

District Heating Feldbach – BigSolar The pre-feasibility study for BigSolar Feldbach First of all, utilities are forced to reduce natural gas consumtion. Secondly, biomass for district heating application lacks in availability on a long-term. Thirdly, biomass part-load performance is cost intensive and forces the utility to shut down the district heating network in the summer […]
Absorption heat pump Klagenfurt East

Absorption heat pump for biomass CHP Klagenfurt East Providing heat in a climate-friendly way Klagenfurt’s district heating network, with a pipeline length of around 165 km, is operated by Energie Klagenfurt GmbH and supplies around 27,000 connected customers. At our reference project in Klagenfurt, Austria, we use 8 MW from the exhaust gas condensation of […]
Olympic Sport Center Qingdao

Olympic Sport Center Qingdao Solar cooling and hot water for the Olympics 2008 SOLID contributed two plants for the Olympic sailing village. One system heated and cooled the press and administration center of the Olympic sailing village. A second system provided sanitary hot water and pool heating to a building which housed the athletes. The […]
Krankenhaus Managua

Krankenhaus Managua A perfect solution for a sunbelt country The military hospital in Managua is the most modern hospital in Nicaragua and serves both civil and military patients. In the planning phase of the new hospital, the management of the hospital was searching for green technologies for the new buildings. Via the local UNIDO Cleaner […]
Desert Mountain High School

Desert Mountain High School Solar Cooling in the Desert The desert of Arizona with its high solar irradiation requires a stable technology to cool down the heads of more than 4000 hard studying pupils. The district school administration urgently needed to reinvest in their cooling system. The requirements were defined to move away from an […]
Bankzentrale in Lisabon

Bankzentrale in Lisabon Solar cooling and more for a large office building Caixa Geral de Depósitos (CGD) is a Portuguese state-owned banking corporation, and the second largest bank in Portugal. The project started when the SOLID CEO met CGD’ facility manager at a conference and expressed his desire for a green solution as CGD had […]
United World College Singapore

United World College Singapore The building has been awarded Green Mark Platinum certification by the Building and Construction Authority of Singapore. UWC (or the United World Colleges) is a global network of schools and educational programmes. The solar thermal collectors with a total area of 3,872 m² generates “green” energy of 1,600 to 2,200 MWh […]
AVL List

Europe’s largest solar cooling systems solution for industrial processes AVL List is an Austrian-based automotive consultancy and independent research institute. AVL and SOLID jointly evaluated the energy demand and SOLID installed in 2017 based on an ESCo agreement a solar plant with 1,584 m² collector area and a storage of 70 m³ to reduce AVLs […]
IKEA Alexandra

IKEA Alexandra Solar Cooling in Singapore IKEA is an innovative company in many aspects. Besides the innovative available products and solutions, IKEA is also very innovative regarding a possible high coverage of their energy demand via renewable energy sources. At the end of 2017, IKEA Singapore and SOLID ASIA solemnly opened the large-scale solar cooling […]