Tigi Solar

The Path to Sustainable Heating: Addressing Scope 1 Emissions

The Path to Sustainable Heating: Addressing Scope 1 Emissions

Given the universal challenges of climate change and environmental issues, transitioning to renewable energy sources has become essential for a sustainable future. Among the key areas companies must address are their Scope 1, 2, and 3 carbon emissions to lessen their environmental impact.

What are Scope 1 Emissions?

Scope 1 emissions refer to the greenhouse gases a company directly releases from sources they own or controls. For many industrial operations, one significant contributor to Scope 1 emissions is the burning of fossil fuels like oil and gas to generate heat for processes. Reducing these emissions is often the biggest challenge companies face but also represents a massive opportunity.

The Opportunity in Renewable Heat

Around half of the world’s energy consumption goes towards heat generation, accounting for about 40% of global CO2 emissions. By successfully transitioning to renewable-based heating solutions, companies can dramatically reduce their carbon footprint and contribution to climate change. This shift not only enhances environmental performance but drives operational efficiency, reduced energy costs, and increased profitability. 

Tailored Solutions for Decarbonization

Achieving renewable heat requires more than a one-size-fits-all approach. A holistic strategy that maximizes energy efficiency is needed to transition away from costly and polluting fossil fuels effectively. This means leveraging a combination of technologies like electrification via heat pumps, solar thermal collectors, waste heat recovery, thermal energy storage and implementation of advanced control systems. 

Financing Your Decarbonization Journey

To assist businesses in implementing renewable heat and energy efficiency projects, TIGI offers a turnkey financing solution that allows you to decarbonize without incurring any upfront costs. Through heat supply or energy performance contracts, TIGI covers 100% of the investment costs for your decarbonization project.  

TIGI’s comprehensive approach combines technical, contractual, and financial expertise to co-develop tailored decarbonization solutions. This allows energy end-users to outsource the operational risks of their projects and focus on their core business while achieving sustainability goals. 

A Sustainable Approach to Financial Success 

Reducing operational expenses while maintaining efficiency is a constant goal for financial managers. However, making the transition to renewable heating has often required significant upfront capital investments. TIGI’s innovative “Heat as a Service” (HaaS) model eliminates this barrier, offering an approach that promises immediate cost savings, long-term financial benefits, and an immediate reduction in emissions. 

The Financial Advantages of Heat as a Service 

  • No substantial capital required for new heating infrastructure
  • TIGI handles design, installation, operations, maintenance, and financing
  • Pay only for the heat consumed, aligning costs with actual usage
  • Greater financial flexibility and predictability for more accurate budgeting 

TIGI’s Integrated Renewable Heating Solution 

TIGI’s heat as a service model changes the way projects are analyzed for profitability. Instead of looking at the ROI (Return on Investment) of the project (which may be too high for certain industries), the heat as a service model allows the client to start saving from the first day on his energy expenses without investment.

Start Your Sustainable Transformation Today

As sustainability and fiscal responsibility grow increasingly crucial, TIGI’s Heat as a Service provides a powerful path to reducing costs, boosting profitability, and building a greener economy. Contact TIGI today to explore how their renewable heating solutions and HaaS model can transform your heating strategy, expenses, and financial performance.

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